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Loot Table Modifications

Loot Tables are datapacks files which determine the drops/loot of various aspects of the game. This ranges from dungeon loot to block/entity drops. You can replace loot tables files with datapacks, but that will conflict once two packs override the same file: One will override the other. Because of this problem Palladium adds "Loot Table Modifications". They allow you to add pools to existing loot tables.


First of all, you should get familiar to how loot tables work and how they are structured. You can get some information in the Minecraft Wiki. If you want to see all the available loot table files in Minecaft, check

After that, you can create a json file like this:

data/<your namespace>/palladium/loot_table_modifications/<name of your modification>.json
"target": "<target pool ID>",
"add_pools": {

target is the ID of the loot table you want to add pools to.
add_pools is an array of pools which you want to add.


A file to make all dirt blocks also drop a diamond could look like this:

"target": "minecraft:blocks/dirt",
"add_pools": {
"name": "add_diamond",
"bonus_rolls": 0,
"conditions": [
"condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"name": "minecraft:diamond"
"rolls": 1

target is the ID of the loot table you want to modify. Can be that of a block, an entity or of loot chests.

add_pools are the pools you want to add to the specified table. This can also be an array of multiple pools.


Make sure every pool has a "name" object in it.