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The mod adds the following commands:

  • /superpower <set/add/remove> <Power ID> [Entity] which allows you to set/add/remove the superpower of an entity.

  • /ability <lock/unlock> <Entities> <Power ID> <Ability Key> Locks/unlocks abilities which have the ability to be bought.

  • /energybar value get <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> Gets the value of an energy bar

  • /energybar value set <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> <value> Sets the value of an energy bar

  • /energybar value add <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> <value> Adds to the value of an energy bar

  • /energybar value subtract <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> <value> Subtracts from the value of an energy bar

  • /energybar max get <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> Gets the max value of an energy bar

  • /energybar max set <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> <value> Sets the max value of an energy bar

  • /energybar max reset <Entity> <Power ID> <Energy Bar Key> <value> Resets the max value of an energy bar


You can also filter entities by a power in an entity selector like:

/effect give @e[palladium.power=test:custom_projectile_test] minecraft:levitation 3
This will only give entities the levitation effect if they have the test:custom_projectile_test power